Who We Are

A yogi was sent to fetch me on a very dull and wet day. He asked me something I had been searching for, for a long time - Do I Want to Be One with The Divine? 

Next was a Mystical Approach to leave what I was doing till now; as it did not get me "Shakshatkar" with The Supreme. AND accepting a path to walk on an uncharted journey to be in the Kingdom of GOD (KoG).

Guess what - in the process, I was presented with both the subtle and the gross in abundance. It took me a decade to realise - subtle has no weight, and gross is as heavy as lead. The weight has slowed my journey so much that KoG started looking like an impossible dream.

Further, I realised that abundance of gross was not making me happy anymore, and KoG was becoming more distant day-by-day. In full awareness and holding on to my subtle I detached myself completely from the gross. Spontaneously, the subtle lifted me straight to KoG. I laughed out aloud, it was me stopping myself all the way.

Now being in KoG,  there is no me; only God.  There is neither the gross nor the subtle. There is neither the happiness nor the sadness. There is neither the start nor the end. There is neither the birth nor the death. What is there is the silence of the witness.